Saturday 25 June 2011

Still catching up!

  On Thursday I made the trek to Kituti to give a seminar at South East University College where our colleague Muli is also a faculty member. The seminar was to lay the ground work for potential future collaborations between SEUCO and PSU. Muli will deliver a reciprocal seminar at PSU on July 20th.  I think my seminar was reasonably well received but what they really went wild over were the books I brought with me. Check out the photo of their band new library below and you will understand why. So thanks to all of you who donated so many wonderful books to this cause. And thanks to Sara for help me lug them over here. Seeing their faces (and their library) made it worthwhile! 

The SEUCO library.

Your text books very well received. Dean of the Ag College on the right. Muli and fellow faculty members on the left. 

Beautiful new classroom building at SEUCO - it was just a build site last year when we visited.

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