Sunday 19 June 2011

June 19th --- My day with Fiona

After my first week at ICIPE Fiona offered to take me out and show me the town and I have been excited about it ever since. Today was finally the day. Fiona came by the guest house around 10am and we left ICIPE for Nairobi (central). Fiona stopped a passing Matatu and we were on our way. It was so much fun! Once in town we when to her favorite coffee shop and had a great discussion while we drank our coffee. Fiona ordered a muffin for us to share and it was brought to our table warm, which I think is an excellent way to eat a muffin. We then to a bus to Fiona's parents house and I got to meet her mother and father as well as her older sister Linda and her daughter Andrea, and her younger sister Maria. We had a great lunch there and I really enjoyed hanging out with Fiona's family. Everyone had great smiles and her niece was a little fireball. In the afternoon, Linda took us over to the Westgate Mall and we window shopped and Maria, Fiona, and I took in a movie. After the movie Fiona and I started to head back to ICIPE and finally managed to find a bus headed that way. I had a really wonderful time hanging out in Fiona's city and I hope the next time she is in the United States I can show her "my city," NYC. Asante sana Fiona---Sara
(Sorry no pictures from today.)

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