Saturday 18 June 2011

June 14th---Our day in the Jungle with African Bees

Our second day of work brought us into the "jungle" as it was referred to, otherwise known as Mtepeni. This apiary belongs to a coastal beekeeper that volunteered his colonies to us for the project.  We processed 5 colonies here in the morning. These bees were more aggressive than the bees we worked with yesterday.
                                   Fiona and I taking samples in the "jungle" surrounded by banana,
                                                     paw-paw, and mango trees. Yum!
                                           James getting the smoker ready!
                                           We encountered some interesting things in this apiary.
                                           Me, Benson, Nixon, and Fiona enjoying mangoes after
                                           a morning hard at work!
While I stayed back to enter data the beekeeping gang headed back to site 1 to follow-up on our experiments and to perform the aggression behavior test. ---Sara
                                            Jeremy recording the aggression test.
                                                     The bees attack!

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