Saturday 18 June 2011

June 15th---Kwetu Training Centre

Our third location was Benson's hives at Kwetu Training Centre and we processed 6 colonies here.
                                          Just a part of the apiary here.
It was great working here because it was breezy and the bees were not bothering us while we were processing the samples so we didn't have to wear our veils.
                                          Jeremy and Muli examining brood for mites.
                                          Fiona, Ayuka, and I taking samples from the brood
                                          and examining mites.
                                          Fiona and I working hard. Doesn't this look fun!
The back drop here was beautiful too, just like the other places we have visited. In the afternoon while I entered data, the beekeeping group went back to site 2 to finish up the hygienic test and to site 1 to check the varroa mite boards. It was a very busy day but we are right on track for the week.
Later that night we saw the lunar eclipse of the full moon, what a sight!---Sara

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