Saturday 18 June 2011

June 11th Our first day of travel

We left for the coast on Saturday June 11th, which just so happens was my 26th birthday. My 26th birthday was celebrated in Kenya, Voi to be exact in Lionhill Lodge, which is a lodge built on top of a hill along the fence line to Tsavo East National Park. The view of the park was amazing, we were not there 10 minutes before we were watching a group of elephants at a water hole. But I am getting ahead of myself. The day started out with a happy birthday hug from Maryann and a birthday story from Jeremy at breakfast. I thought to myself “I will be lucky if that is all that Maryann has plotted for me on my birthday.” We then packed up for our trip to the coast. We were planning to stop at Voi to overnight and break-up the long trip, and then enjoy a safari the next morning in Tsavo East NP. We got on way around 10:30 or 11am. The truck and SUV were packed full of equipment and baggage and all seats were occupied; James drove the truck with Maryann, Jeremy, and I, while Nixon drove the SUV with Jim, Kilonzo, Ayuka, and Fiona. We headed into Nairobi to pick up Muli at his house. We got to see Anita and Shem, his children when we got there which was great.  From there our destination was Machakos, where Muli’s mother’s house is. His sister Betty made everyone lunch and we met his brother, William, as well as Betty’s daughter, Paris. 
                                           The gang with Muli's family after a wonderful lunch.
The food was very good and it was really nice to meet more of Muli’s family. We also got to see Muli’s onion crop which was huge. My dad would be so jealous. 
                                             James and Kilonzo admiring Muli's onion crop. 
After our lunch break we thanked Muli’s family and got back on to the road headed to Voi.
So the road systems and driving here are awesome. I am so jealous. I will start by talking about the paved roads since that is what we traveled on to Voi. The speed limit is 80kph for all vehicles and the road we were on is a two-way road (vehicles driving on the left side of the road with the driver on the right side of the vehicle). The road is a little wider than two lanes with no lines (for the most part) designating the edges or the middle of the lanes. James says to be a good Kenyan driver you have to concentrate when you’re driving. The reason is that the drivers pass often, mostly because there are freight trucks on the road that drive much slower than 80kph, but also because there are speed bumps in the roads at heavily trafficked areas. In Nairobi roundabouts are also common. Drivers use there horns a lot too, because of the high pedestrian, and bicycle traffic on and near the roads. So for instance James honks when there are people ahead standing near the road and may not realize he is coming, or when a bicycle is ahead on our side, so it gets their attention and they move out of the way. Also when there is no oncoming traffic it is not unusual for people to drive in the middle of the road so if you want to pass someone who is doing this you honk to get their attention. Our trip was about 4 hours total.

In Voi we left the paved road behind us for the nicest dirt roads I have ever seen. We soon found the hotel Muli, Maryann, Jim, Jeremy, and I would be staying at, Lionhill Lodge.
Lionhill Lodge as seen from the park road.
                                                              Front of Lionhill Lodge
After we checked in we moved into our rooms and man were they something, and the view from the balcony was unbelievable. 
                                          View from the lawn at Lionhill Lodge. You can see 
                                          the electric fence row and the road to Voi Gate at Tsavo
                                          East NP.
We met down on the lawn for a drink before dinner and I had a whiskey-soda in true Hemingway Africa fashion. Then Maryann gave me a great birthday card Jeremy and her had made before we left using everyone’s pictures they had taken. And then I thought “oh how nice that I got a card on my birthday, that has to be all that was up Maryann’s sleeve. Why did I suspect any overdoing?” Around 19:30 we sat down for dinner and wonderful discussions. After dessert was served though to my surprise all of the lodge employees came out and circled our table singing “Happy Birthday”, including the chef carrying a really big cake and the security guard who just happened to be a Maasi warrior and was dressed in his Maasi clothing. We shared the cake with everyone at the lodge and I got a happy birthday from the four other tables of guests. I should have known that Maryann would have something else up her sleeve, but what I didn’t anticipate was Muli’s willingness to help. Lol. I had a great birthday on top of Tsavo East NP in Lionhill Lodge, Voi, Kenya, Africa. Asante sana for everyone who made it great! --- Sara

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