Thursday 23 June 2011

Catching up!

Sadly Sara and Jeremy  left us on Monday.  On her way out of Duduville, Sara made me promise that I would keep up with the blog. After 5 days of no blog entries, hopefully you can all now see why I needed to bring her along with me to Kenya!  It has been a busy and interesting week. Monday through Wednesday we held a training course for a few select Kenyan beekeepers and extension specialists from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. They were a VERY interactive group. We learned a lot from them and Muli assures me they learned a lot as well. 

James explains the importance of working bees slowly and gently. He is an EXCELLENT beekeeper!

Kilonzo teaches the beekeepers how to do a sugar roll and identify Varroa. 

Fiona gives a presentation on molecular biology and why this tool is useful to beekeepers. She did an outstanding job - even I understood - AND SHE GAVE  THE PRESENTATION IN SWAHILI!!!

The beekeepers learn about quality control in honey processing at the icipe honey processing area.

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