Saturday 18 June 2011

June 16th---Finishing up our work at the Coast

Since today was going to be a day of tying up loose ends we started later than usual. Jim and I took a walk along the beach, trying to avoid the beach boys. (The beach boys are what the they call the men that try to talk the tourist into safaris or snorkeling adventures etc.) Here are some shots of the beach:

James, Muli, and Kilonzo took Jeremy and I to a store near Mombasa for some shopping in the morning. We had some great gift buys. We returned to Travellers and the beekeeping crew had a meeting about the Beekeeping workshop to be held next week. We all came together for a great pizza lunch at the hotel. The beekeeping crew then went out to finish up our work doing some more aggression behavior tests, checking varroa mite boards, and checking on the development time experiment. Everything got finished up today and we should have a great day off on Friday.
Also I wanted to add some things that I have noticed over the time I have been here:
      Handshakes- Handshakes are as much a part of daily greetings as hellos, and there are many, many, many ways of saying hello here, to the point where I think it is sort off a game of who can say hello the most. Lol, it great to meet up with the gang in the morning and get such a greeting.
      Cats- There are cats everywhere. At ICIPE there are a couple of cats that hang around the cafeteria, and even at the hotel the cats act like kings, laying about all day, and coming to the dining area for any snatch of food they could get. Probably a great way to keep mice/rats under control.

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